18 October 2013

Chavo Guerrero On What Eddie Would Think Today

Sunday night in San Diego will see TNA Impact Wrestling go to town with Bound For Glory. (By Patrick Lennon)

The ninth incarnation promises to be as decent a wrestling show as ever.

TNA put on a fine showpiece whatever the weather and, having been in California in October a couple of times, FT can tell you it’s bikinis and board shorts all the way.

Tipping the curtain this year is Chavo Guerrero, one of the most experienced pro-wrestlers on the planet and a third generation star who has lived and breathed this savage ballet all the years of his life.
Although my congratulations on his 20th year in the business are premature, he insists that he’s been full time for 18. Chavo is one of wrestling’s oracles. Having forged a career through WCW, WWE and latterly TNA, he is honed to a rare thing in wrestling – a balanced perspective.

He says: “It’s been 18 years when I haven’t been doing anything else. In 1992-3 I was still doing bar tending and stuff, so it doesn’t count. Then 1995-6 I started full time. They say the average lifespan of a professional wrestler is four and a half years, so not too bad.”

A mark of the man is that he takes the time to pay tribute to the fans who part with their money. “Coming to London is a treat. I come from that old school. My family always taught me to respect the fans. In this global economy these people could choose to spend their money on anything. They’re here, choosing to spend some on me.”

Conversation usually meanders around to Chavo’s uncle Eddie – the two grew up as brothers with only three years between them.

Eddie’s untimely death seven years ago seems like yesterday, such is the potency of the memory he invokes in fans of our art. What would the late, great Latino Heat make of the current state of play?

Not that much, laments Chavo. “I don’t think he’d like it too much the way it is now, because it is hard for a young wrestler to get that seasoned experience.

“You can disguise it all you want with explosions and pyro and entrances, but when it comes down to it in the ring, it’s you and that other person. That’s it.

“People don’t get the chance to travel these days and learn how to wrestle, how to perfect this art.”
TNA will do their utmost to grace the canvas that is professional wrestling. Recent speculation about finances is well-founded, but Sunday is an opportunity to cast aside worries.

Bobby Roode and Angle stands out, as does the X Division contest. Put Aries, Sabin and Hardy together and something is bound to ignite. Bully and Styles will have the task of making the show shine on top.

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