24 August 2013

AJ Styles Contract Set To Expire?

According to sources the contract of TNA superstar (and I don't mean that in the WWE way), AJ Styles is set to expire in September.

Given their recent history it isn't surprising that TNA would let the expiration date on a talents contract run this close - don't forget that they recently allowed Bobby Roodes contract to expire despite booking him to a show after the expiration date - what IS surprising though is that TNA, allegedly, are yet to offer Styles a new deal.

Styles has been with the company since day one and is one of their most loved performers. In my opinion letting him walk out of the door would be a big mistake for TNA, though not for Styles who could land on his feet in ROH and maybe even New Japan at this point. WWE would be the outside bet given his age but stranger things have happened.

As of right now, the ball is still in TNAs court.

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