31 August 2013

Knee-Jerk Reaction (Smackdown 08/30/2013)

The Knee Jerk Reaction is just that, a series of thoughts based on immediate reaction to what is shown on the TV screen.

Derek X has been posting these for several years over on the old website, you can check out his archive here

For now though, settle in and enjoy the ride as DX takes us through this weeks episode of Smackdown! {TWF Dave}

MizTV: I'm actually interested in MizTV tonight for a change. I'm interested to see if The Miz, Big Show or Dolph Ziggler will say anything about Triple H & Stephanie's regime. It's a little weird seeing one of the biggest, one of the most talented and one of the loudest superstars all passing the buck so to speak out of fear. The tension is palpable. WWE is doing a great job of making us feel that uneasiness. Adding Triple H to the mix just made it even more uncomfortable. I'm just waiting for the day when someone finally stands up to Triple H, but it can't happen just yet. It's too soon. I'm enjoying the suspense. Having Miz face Randy Orton tonight is a good main event and an excellent start to making him main-event ready again. Having Ziggler go 'one-on-one with all three members of The Shield' was predictable, yet hilariously delivered. But having Big Show have to sit and watch all the matches that take place tonight and not be able to do anything about it is a stroke of genius. How can anyone not LOVE this ongoing storyline? It's awesome!!! 

Miz vs Orton: This match is actually pretty important. It's the first time since The Regime (I don't know the actual name for the stable, if there is one) took over that anyone has been in a match with someone involved. They can't touch Triple H and definitely can't touch Stephanie, but in a match against Randy Orton, they are more than allowed to take their frustrations out then. Yes, I know that The Shield are technically a part of the The Regime, but they're more like paid enforcers. I doubt they are actually involved in the braintrust. Not a bad match, but neither of these guys are exactly great workers in the ring. It got better at the end, which is typical. The best part of the match was the anticipation between Big Show and The Shield, but it was Daniel Bryan who made the post-match save and stole the show. 

Ziggler vs The Shield: This match looks familiar. I would complain about a lack of originality by WWE, booking the same match twice in less than two weeks. But when the match in question involves some of the most talented young superstars in WWE, I'll gladly watch it on multiple occasions. This match wasn't as hotly contested as the one on RAW last week, but it was still pretty good. Just like in the match above, I LIKED the anticipation and emotion shown from Big Show more than the match itself. 

Heyman's Wrath: There you go, Paul. Blame us for your actions because technically speaking, we are responsible for what happened to CM Punk. We, the WWE Universe, voted for Heyman to be forced into the ring with CM Punk. We assumed that Punk would take Heyman out and we made asses of ourselves. We all should know Paul Heyman by now. We should have voted for him to be banned, but we were bloodthirsty and wanted our just desserts. We are responsible and I'm glad that Paul Heyman pointed that out. Actions have consequences and that is the moral of this entire storyline. Punk turned his back on Heyman and feeling rejected, Heyman struck back. I said in the RAW KJR that Heyman's words about 'loving and fathering' Punk rang very true. Everything in this rivalry feels so emotionally riveting because there is very real emotion involved - albeit, it's not the hate we're seeing be played out. I even buy Lesnar's anger at Punk because he owes as much of his career to Heyman as Punk does. The only person I can't buy in this whole rivalry is Curtis Axel. He's nothing more than a placeholder until they decide to bring Lesnar back for Round 2. 

Ryback vs Bryan: I can't decide if I LIKE this bully/jock/dick character that Ryback is playing. On one hand, it's nice to see him show some range as an actor. Plus, this character is in the absolute opposition to the Be A S.T.A.R. initiative, so you know there's going to eventually be pay off. On the other hand, the bully he is playing is immature. Either way, it's a change from the normal heel character someone of his size would be playing. I was hoping for more out of this match overall, but there was no way this was going to end cleanly. Ryback and Daniel Bryan had an okay match before Orton and The Shield interfered. It was pretty surprising to see Orton tap-out - however briefly - after Bryan put him in the Yes Lock. Usually, main-eventers don't tap so quickly. But I think that was all Orton's doing. He's not as against tapping out as other erstwhile SUPERFACES seem to be. What happened after the match between Big Show and Triple H damn near made the program for me. It was awesome and I'll elaborate on that later in the bracket that both of these guys earned - Best in Show! 

RVD vs Sandow: This can't end well for Damien Sandow. He's going against the man who is the new #1 contender and has to stay on the roll until he faces Alberto Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Championship. There's no way RVD loses this match, which is bad for Sandow who hasn't been able to buy a win lately. I mean, he's only the MITB contract holder. It's not like he needs to prove anything, right? At least they kept this match short. It won't hurt too much for a future champion to be on the short side of a squash match. When it's all said and done, we'll still buy him as a formidable champion. 

Tons of Funk vs Wyatt Family: This was probably the best moment of the night for Big Show. He didn't have to worry about wanting to interfere in the match and he got to see Naomi and Cameron dance around the ring. See, there's a silver lining around every dark cloud... but lightning kills hundreds of people each year trying to find it. This matchup was always going to end up in the HATED category - as most matches involving Tons of Funk usually do - but the hard-hitting style of Harper and Rowan almost swayed me otherwise. They've done more to prove themselves in WWE than Bray Wyatt has. I'm still waiting for that match where Wyatt wrestles and shows he's actually worth the hype. I know he is, but I'm waiting for him to prove it. 

"He's got a job and a front-row seat. What's he upset about? - JBL (in reference to Big Show) 
So, is JBL on the The Regime's payroll too? Because he's turned from being a tweener announcer to a full-fledged heel announcer. I have no problem with that, by the way. You all know I love heels and I've always loved JBL as a wrestler or as an announcer. Okay, maybe not as a wrestler per-say, but he's always been great on the mic in whatever role he was in. If Randy Orton can be the face of the WWE, I think JBL can make a play for the voice of the WWE... as long as it doesn't culminate in a match against Michael Cole. No one wants that. 

The entire episode was anchored around watching Big Show and wondering if and when he'd interfere in one of the ongoing matches. Everytime they cut to him during one of the matches that he'd want to interfere in, he was displaying so much emotion whether it was anger, cheering them on or covering his face in shame for not being able to help. And when he finally did make a stand, it was played very well. I also have to give a second award to Triple H for playing his role perfectly too. Everyone in that arena wanted to see Show knock HHH the fuck out and I joined with them. Like I said before, it's too early for that. But rest assured, it's gonna happen. 

This wasn't a B+ show, that's for damn sure. It was A, all the way. 

There were some lowlights to be sure, mostly only the match between RVD and Sandow, but Alberto Del Rio's promo afterwards was decent enough to save face there. And while the tag team match did end up in the HATED category, it was only because I'm still irritated with the way WWE is portraying Bray Wyatt. 

But the rest of the show was on par and above average. Again, I have to laud about how much I am LOVING this storyline. And so far, I whole-heartedly agree with everyone involved in it. The Miz and Dolph Ziggler are the perfect choices for the babyfaces on the cusp of main-event level who can benefit from facing off against The Regime. And Big Show... man he's the biggest guy in the company, the largest athlete in the world and he can still play off the helpless victim as well as anyone. That's probably because even for his size, he's always been overlooked in the company. It works well for him now. This episode of Smackdown and Big Show in general was so good that Daniel Bryan, who has been the hottest superstar in WWE for months wasn't the focal point of the program for once. That probably won't happen every episode, but I was definitely happy to see it tonight.

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