28 August 2013

TNA Bound For Glory Series Update

Based on the point totals as of today, here are the scenarios going into MUST WIN THURSDAY:

- Jay Bradley, Hernandez and Joseph Park are on the outside looking in based on their point totals.

- Frankie Kazarian faces Hernandez this Thursday and needs a victory. A pinfall win (7 points) puts him in the 4th place with 29 points. A submission victory (10 points) slides him up to 3rd place. To hold on to those places, he will need a little help in the matches featuring those in front of him.

- AJ Styles made a big splash last week in the Aces and 8s vs. Main Event Mafia match but this Thursday is a make or break moment in the BFG Series. He is currently tied with Frankie Kazarian and faces Bobby Roode on Impact. A pinfall (7 points) gets him to 29 points. A submission (10 points) gets him to 32 points and 3rd place. Like Kazarian, AJ’s fate also hangs in the balance of those in front of him in the series.

- Samoa Joe and Ken Anderson have completed their matches and now must wait to see how the field shakes out. They are currently on the outside looking in and must hope for someone to make a mistake in the series with a disqualification.

- Austin Aries is currently in 4th place. Last week, he was recruited by Bobby Roode, Frankie Kazarian and Daniels but turned them down wanting to go on it alone. His match with Christopher Daniels is truly a must win. At 28 points, a pinfall victory (7 points) puts him in second place. A submission victory (10 points) separates him from the pack even further.

- Christopher Daniels is the one standing in Austin Aries way. If he can defeat Austin Aries, he’s locked his positioning in the series.

- Bobby Roode has turned the series around with his alliance with Frankie Kazarian and Christopher Daniels. Currently he sits in 2nd place for his match with AJ Styles this Thursday. A victory over AJ (Pinfall – 7 points Submission – 10 points) push him to first place and the power of choice at No Surrender.

- Magnus has been the dominant leader in the series, having gone coast to coast as the leader. If he can remain at in first place, he gets the all important choice of who he faces first at No Surrender in the final four. All these odds and scenarios play out on Thursday; it's truly a MUST WIN THURSDAY!

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