20 September 2013

A Rowdy Coronation: ROH Death Before Dishonor XI Preview

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The next ROH World Champion?
Photo Credit: Scott Finkelstein
Two months ago, Ring of Honor stripped Jay Briscoe of the World Championship because he was injured at the hands of the now-defunct invading stable SCUM. Well, the injury cover was the kayfabe reason. Reports from backstage were conflicted as to whether the abrasive elder Briscoe brother walked out of the company because of a backstage scuffle or because his contract had expired with the silent assent that he and his brother Mark could pursue feelers set out by both WWE and TNA. Either way, ROH was left without a Champion.

The company gathered sixteen wrestlers from within and without to compete for the vacant Championship. That field was whittled down to a final four over the last several shows, with the Championship to be decided Friday at the National Guard Armory in Philadelphia, PA at 8 PM local time. Death Before Dishonor XI will play host to the coronation of a new Champion.

The semifinal matches are Michael Elgin vs. Kevin Steen and Tomasso Ciampa vs. Adam Cole. The winners will meet in the main event, where the new Champion will be presented with the Championship from the former titleholder himself, Briscoe. I'll address that one at the end. But before we get to any kind of aftermath, the tournament itself has to unfold. The scouting reports for the final four are as follows:

Kevin Steen
Steen lost the title to Briscoe at Supercard of Honor WrestleMania weekend, so in a way, he indirectly set this whole chain of events in motion. He spent the interim not trying to regain the Championship but dealing with SCUM, specifically Matt Hardy. Now that the rogue stable has been dispatched from the company, Steen has been able to put his considerable talents towards getting his Championship back.

How Likely Is He to Win? Least likely - Steen is probably the least likely to win from where I sit. While the prospect of taking the belt back and feuding with Briscoe again is intriguing, tournaments in wrestling companies are usually devices to put over newer guys. Cole, Ciampa, and Elgin all have that new hotness sheen on them. My guess is Steen is in the tournament to give the eventual Champion a name win, whether it be Elgin in the semifinals or the other two in the final.

How Hard Am I Rooting for Him? Second most - Steen doesn't need the title, but given the options, I'd rather see him at the top of the card than most people in ROH. He wrestles a variety of styles and can act as a canvas for an even wider variety of opponents. I don't think ROH explored completely what he and Briscoe can do, and I think title programs against Hardy, Steve Corino, Cole, and even ACH would make for some goddamn compelling story. Plus, he's probably my favorite wrestler left in the tournament, and that fact has to count for something, right?

Michael Elgin
Elgin has been flirting with the top of the card for the better part of two years now. He won Survival of the Fittest in 2011, and since then, he's been a wrecking ball in the ring and a folk hero with the fans with his feats of strength. He went from a prolonged feud with Roderick Strong into the front line of defending ROH from SCUM.

How Likely Is He to Win? Most likely - Elgin is Ring of Honor's "it" guy right now. One could argue that he's the most critically highly regarded wrestler on the indies. Ever since taking way too long to pull the trigger on guys like Kevin Steen, El Generico, and especially Tyler Black, the Hunter Johnston and Jim Cornette regime of ROH has tried new blood at the top of the company. Johnston, to me, seems a bit more willing to put guys in the driver's seat, as referenced with his surprise title switch onto Eddie "Eddie Edwards" Edwards back during his first run with total control. Death Before Dishonor feels like a coronation to me, and of the four guys in the tourney, Elgin looks most like an heir apparent.

How Hard Am I Rooting for Him? The least - I know that Elgin is super-popular right now, but I'm not on the bandwagon. He feels like he's a more muscular version of Davey Richards, where he does a bunch of moves for the sake of doing them, but his flow and grasp of psychology feels sketchy to me. I understand I'm in the minority, and I am not uneasy over that designation. He's going to win, but hey, I fully realize that Ring of Honor isn't booked for my interests alone. If it was, the final four in this tournament would be RD Evans, Cedric Alexander, Cole, and of course, ACH. A lot of people dig Elgin, and he's not the first wrestler I've ever disagreed with multiple throngs of fans over. So hey, good for them if he wins.

Tomasso Ciampa
Ciampa suffered a major injury that kept him sidelined most of the end of last year and part of this year. He came back looking for revenge against RD Evans for trash talking and betrayal that led him into an issue with QT Marshall. He seems like the out-of-leftfield choice to arrive into the semifinals, but before his injury, ROH was grooming him for bigger things.

How Likely Is He to Win? Third most likely - Ciampa seems like the futures guy. Elgin and Cole are both ready for prime time. Ciampa could get there within the next year, but to me, his run signifies a test run of how he can handle interacting with some of the company's biggest stars. Ciampa feels like Steve Austin when he won the '97 Royal Rumble, or to use an example in the opposite direction, like Bobby Lashley when he was entrenched with the McMahon family. He's getting some spotlight, but the premise clearly sets him up for a title program later down the line. I still think he's got a better chance to win than Steen, if only because him taking the title would be most akin to Edwards' big title win back in early 2011.

How Hard Am I Rooting for Him? Third most - Ciampa started to grow on me in the beginning of 2012. I lumped him in with Mike Bennett (another guy I actually have come around on a lot as well), but the dude showed me a great intensity and stiffness in the ring. His injury was a major bummer because I wasn't able to get more of a handle on him. However, he's going to get a huge spotlight, and I for one am excited to see how he'll fare at least against a guy whom I know I'm going to love…

Adam Cole
Cole has had a strange and wonderful journey to this spot in Ring of Honor. He started out as a fellow tag team prospect with Kyle O'Reilly, journeyed out of that team when O'Reilly decided he'd rather chill with his workout bro Davey Richards, dove headfirst into the Television Championship scene, and then showed some flashes of deviance when he sneakily took advantage of Jay Briscoe at the end of a big cluster match. Aside from Elgin, he's probably the most ready prospect for ROH's main event scene.

How Likely Is He to Win? Second most likely - If I wasn't so sure that Elgin was going to win this tournament, my heart would let me pick Cole to take the whole thing. He's conquered Combat Zone Wrestling. He's the top dog in Pro Wrestling Guerrilla. ROH is notoriously slow on the draw compared to both of those companies, but main event success in those promotions, especially PWG, is a decent indicator to how well the company will push them. The most amazing part of Cole's rise in ROH is that he's been pretty much a white-bread, clean cut babyface in the process, the exact opposite of what brought him to the dance in CZW and PWG. I have to wonder if a turn is in order, and if it is, will it come in the main event against Elgin or afterwards taking the belt from Briscoe? I'd put good money on it as a bet hedge.

How Hard Am I Rooting for Him? The most - While I dig Steen more, I would rather see Cole ascend to the top. I'm a huge fan of moments, and Cole winning this tournament would be the best combination of a moment and a wrestler I like a whole lot. Plus, I really think Cole would totally use the title win to bring the Panama City Playboy to ROH. I think the criticisms of the company not having a whole lot of color are somewhat overblown, especially with O'Reilly and Bobby Fish on top of the tag ranks, MsChif working regular dates, RD Evans and Veda Scott chewing scenery, and ACH doing his thing. However, if ROH would put a guy like Cole, as cocky and belligerent as he can be at his best, at the top of the show with the title, their palette would be enhanced so much more.

Jay Briscoe
Briscoe is the wild card here, as he normally has been his entire career. He will present the Championship belt to the winner, which to me is a red flag that he's going to be that winner's first challenger. Then again, is the scene painted so strongly towards Briscoe going all crazed redneck on the winner that his appearance is the swerve itself? Am I overthinking all this?

Regardless, a situation that began because one or more people dropped the ball on a contract renewal has become interesting. When the main event of a show draws intrigue, then the rest of the show is gravy. This show's gravy will be pretty tasty though. O'Reilly and Fish will team with Matt Taven and Bennett against ACH, TaDarius Thomas, Alexander, and Caprice Coleman in atomicos action. Ricky Marvin and the Forever Hooligans will be invading from New Japan Pro Wrestling as well. Marvin takes on Roderick Strong, while the team of Alex Koslov and Rocky Romero will defend the IWGP Tag Team Championships against the American Wolves. Jay Lethal battles Silas Young, BJ Whitmer will give an interview, and Outlaws, Inc. (Homicide and Eddie Kingston) will also appear.

But the main intrigue will lay with the tournament semifinals and finals. The title situation could have been avoided ostensibly, but in a happy accident, we're going to get one action-packed and interesting final resolution. Sometimes, resolution's all you want from a wrestling show.

Written by TH of The Wrestling Blog

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