24 September 2013

Multiple Contracts To Expire

According to sources, several big name contracts are set to expire in TNA before the turn of 2014.

The contracts of both Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff are set to expire on October 1st, with those of Sting and AJ Styles set to expire on December 31st.

Given TNAs recent cost cutting measures it seems likely that more than one of these names will be let go, with both Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff being by far the most likely given Hogans massive appearance fees and their inability to draw in more viewers.

Sting has signed several one year deals with TNA since it's inception and could well be kept on by the promotion as the one big legend on their roster. Sting may have other ideas though. He's well into his fiftys at this point and with the recent rumours of WWE wanting to put out a Sting DVD and possibly induct him into their Hall of Fame, this may be his last chance to have any sort of run as a wrestler with the company.

AJ Styles recently signed a contract extension until the end of the year and is apparently on a cheaper contract than any of the other three. Given the current climate in TNA he seems likely to be the only one of the four offered any sort of extension.

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