28 September 2013

This Day in Pro Wrestling History.... OOOO Yeah!!!!

1985 - The first ever Hulk Hogan vs. Randy Savage match takes place at the Philadelphia Spectrum in Pennsylvania, with Hogan getting the pin after Savage missed a top rope elbowdrop. After the match, Savage threw the referee out of the ring, hit Hogan with the WWF Title belt, and then came off the top rope and hit Hogan with the belt on the floor.   Other results from the show, which was broadcast on  the PRISM Network, featured:
-Moondog Spot pinned Rick McGraw at 16:24 with a fist drop after causing McGraw to run into the corner when Spot ducked forward
-King Kong Bundy defeated Steve Gatorwolf
-Scott McGee defeated Rene Goulet
-Roddy Piper & Bob Orton Jr. defeated Paul Orndorff & Bruno Sammartino via count-out at 7:52 when, as all four men were brawling on the floor, Piper knocked down Orndorff and Orton hit Sammartino with a chair, allowing both men to get back in the ring before the 10-count; after the bout, an enraged Orndorff threw four chairs and the timekeeper's table into the ring
-Don Muraco (w/ Mr. Fuji) defeated Ricky Steamboat via disqualification at 16:05 when the referee caught Steamboat using Fuji's cane on both Muraco and Fuji, moments after Fuji brought the weapon into the ring and attacked Steamboat with it after the referee had been knocked down
-King Tonga pinned Barry O at 5:42 with a splash following a side kick to the face

1998 - In one of the more memorable Raw moments, Steve Austin drove a Zamboni (used to clean the ice at hockey games) out to the ring in Detroit, Michigan in order to burst past security and dive into the ring onto Vince McMahon. McMahon had been gloating over possessing Austin's "smoking skull" WWF Title belt, since Kane & The Undertaker had pinned Austin for it the night before. The site of Austin driving the Zamboni backstage (accidentally knocking down lighting fixtures) and to the ring would be replayed countless times on WWE programming.  Other results from the Raw taping saw:
-Southern Justice defeated WWF Tag Team Champions Billy Gunn & the Road Dogg via disqualification
-Owen Hart pinned Dan Severn with a tombstone piledriver; after the match, Severn was taken out of the ring on a stretcher
-D-Lo Brown defeated Edge, Marc Mero, Jeff Jarrett, Gangrel, and Droz in a 6-man four corners match after hitting the Sky High on Edge; due to prematch stipulations, D-Lo earned a European title shot for the next week
-Farooq pinned Mark Henry
-Kurrgan & Golga defeated the Headbangers
-WWF European Champion X-Pac defeated Val Venis
-The Rock, Ken Shamrock, & Mankind defeated the Undertaker & Kane in a handicap match at 12:51 when Rock pinned Taker with the Rock Bottom; following Shamrock and Mankind's entrances, the two brawled in the ring until Shamrock knocked Mankind to the floor; moments later, after Rock made his entrance, he and Mankind fought with Shamrock until Taker & Kane appeared.

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