6 September 2013

Wrestle Ropes Weekly UK Wrap Up (31/08 - 06/09)

This is the first Wrestle Ropes Weekly UK Wrap Up and as lucky would have it, it was a week without any huge announcements or events in UK wrestling, a rarity these days. That being said, there were a few newsworthy items during the week.

The first and only title change of the week occurred at Scottish Wrestling Entertainment’s ‘Uprising – The Hell For Lycra Hangover!’ when Jason Costello cashed-in his Future Division Championship opportunity against Martyn Stallyon after fellow Syndicate member, Chaz Phoenix attacked Stallyon after his scheduled match with Kevin Williams.  Speaking of Scottish Wrestling Entertainment, General Manager Braveheart told the crowd in attendance that Ted DiBiase Jr could be coming to the promotion in the near future for the first time. The General Manager didn't give any indication as to when this would be but it will probably not be before early 2014.
Another first this week was PROGRESS Wrestling’s ‘ENDVR: 1’ show which showcases wrestlers from the ProJo school against familiar PROGRESS names such as Jimmy Havoc, Eddie Dennis & Darrell Allen. Reports suggest that the show was a great success and the ProJo is slowly becoming a very reputable school for would-be wrestlers to learn their craft.

One of a few matches announced this week that gained interest was Infinite Promotion’s announced that Cyanide will face Ring of Honor & Pro Wrestling Guerilla star, Michael Elgin at their October 12th show, ‘A Hard Day’s Fight: Round 2’. 

Another confirmed match of significance was Preston City Wrestling’s announcement that Kris Travis will face Kevin Steen on November 16th during the Daytime show of their ‘Supershow Weekend 3’. The match is a rematch from their first encounter at ‘Springslam’ this past April. 

One other notable piece of Uk-related news this week was the announcement that Nikki Storm is to debut for SHIMMER this October at their 58, 59, 60 & 61 shows.

This weekend is another with a lot of promise with Insane Championship Wrestling’s ‘There’s Something About Mary(Hill), New Generation Wrestling’s ‘Revelations’, Wrestlezone’s ‘Live in Macduff’, Future Pro Wrestling’s ‘School’s In!!’ & House of Pain: Evolution’s ‘Evolution 3: No Retreat, No Regrets  all taking place over Saturday and Sunday.

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