18 October 2013

Final Impact Before Bound For Gory

These are the full results from last nights TNA Impact Wrestling.

This was the final show before Bound For Glory, which takes place this coming Sunday!

Dixie Carter comes out with security and says great pieces of art take time, and this Sunday her greatest work will be revealed. She says AJ Styles is too stupid to know when to quit, and he should leave with integrity, but he just won't listen. Dixie says her job is to evaluate, and she has a big contract signing ready, but she wonders what will happen if AJ doesn't make it to Bound For Glory? She says tonight may be AJ's last night and someone else may step up, but she knows there's someone there who will take her money. Dixie apologizes that AJ won't be in the main event, but she wants to make someone rich and motions to the security guard. He opens the case and reveals $50,000 in cash, and she says there's a live bounty on AJ as Bully Ray interrupts the segment.

Bully says they don't really get along, but he likes the offer and he doesn't really care who he faces at Bound For Glory. Magnus comes out and says he wants to get this straight, and twelve men broke themselves for the Bound For Glory tournament, but Dixie wants to ruin it and bribe someone to take AJ's place. Magnus says he understands why people says she sucks, and he's really serious when he says he can't stand listening to Bully talk anymore. He says he will fight him for free tonight, then Bully talks himself up and says the fans like Magnus, but he knows Magnus is a fraud. Bully calls him a loser and a disappointment, then Magnus drops him with one punch and Bully rolls outside and says the match is on.

Christopher Daniels vs Hernandez vs Robbie E vs Eric Young
Robbie hits Eric from behind and taunts him in the corner, then Eric hits a crossbody and applies a wristlock before Hernandez tags himself in. Robbie runs away and tags Daniels, then Hernandez kicks Daniels and lifts him for a shoulder breaker before Daniels floats over and hits the ropes. Hernandez knocks him down and hits the ropes, then Robbie hits him in the back so Hernandez knocks him off the apron as Daniels goes after Hernandez on the apron. Daniels sends Hernandez into the corner and Robbie tags back in, then he hits him a few times and connects with a splash from the middle rope. Robbie and Daniels argue over getting a pin attempt, then Daniels shoves Robbie as Hernandez splashes him from the apron. Hernandez goes for a corner splash but Daniels throws him outside, then he whips Eric but Eric connects with a belly-to-belly suplex. He heads up top and connects with an elbow drop, but Robbie runs in and throws him on the floor before stealing the pin for himself.
Winner - Robbie E

AJ Styles is talking backstage when Jessie Godderz attacks him, but AJ gets the best of him and beats him down before saying it's going to be a long night. AJ heads to the ring and says he is winning at Bound For Glory, so that makes Dixie Carter scared, but he is going to make her pay for her actions. He says he's not running away from anyone, so he says whoever wants to come try and get the bounty knows where to find him. Knux and Garret Bischoff come out and attack him in the corner, but James Storm and Gunner make the save and chase them out of the ring. Storm gets in AJ's face and they nod at each other, then AJ grabs him arm and leaves as the tag champs get ready for their match.

Knux (w/ Garret Bischoff) vs Gunner (w/ James Storm)
Knux hits Gunner in the corner and whips him, but Gunner knocks him down with a flying forearm and punches him a few times. Knux gets away and snaps his head into the turnbuckles, then he clotheslines Gunner and headbutts him before whips him and goes for a backdrop. Gunner blocks it so Knux tackles him in the corner, then he hits him a few times before clotheslining him as Garret and Storm argue on the ramp. Storm knocks Gunner off the ramp as Gunner drops Knux with a fallaway slam, then he whips him but Knux counters with a crossbody for two. Knux calls for backup and turns back around, but Gunner surprises him with a spear for the win.
Winner - Gunner

We catch up after a break with Knux and Garret complaining about Bully Ray's no show, then Knux just says they will do the same back to him. Following a video clip, we see Brooke Tessmacher taking pictures of herself when Gail Kim comes in and says one of them will win the title on Sunday. Gail says they should stick together and watch each other's backs, because Lei'D Tapa has been causing trouble and they should help protect each other. Brooke laughs and says she only listens to one person and it's not Gail, then she leaves and Gail says it really is everyone for themselves.

Chris Sabin is shown looking for AJ Styles when Samoa Joe bumps into him, and he says he's on the wrong side of town and says it's funny. He says Sabin wants the money and he understands, but he needs to get his priorities straight because they have a match tonight. Joe says after that, they have the Ultimate X match, and he can look to collect on the bounty if, and only if he gets past him tonight.

Chris Sabin (w/ Velvet Sky) vs Samoa Joe
Sabin kicks Joe in the corner but Joe comes back with a flurry of kicks, then he whips Sabin and kicks him in the head before choking him in the corner. Joe kicks Sabin a few more times so Sabin runs outside and hugs Velvet, but Joe pulls him back in by the hair and punches him in the corner. Sabin hits him back a few times but Joe just shakes it off and knocks him out of the ring, then Sabin says he's had enough and tries to leave. Joe goes after him and Sabin puts Velvet in his way, then Joe grabs him and picks him up for a Muscle Buster but Sabin counters with a DDT on the ramp. Sabin runs back to the ring as the ref starts to count Joe out, then Joe crawls towards the ring and dives back in before the ten count.

Sabin hits Joe a few times and whips him, then he connects with a flying forearm and taunts Joe before running into an Uranage slam and an atomic drop. Joe kicks him in the chest and drops an elbow for two, then he sets up a Muscle Buster but Sabin bites Joe's head and hits a springboard tornado DDT for two. Sabin tries to lift Joe up before going for a rollup, but Joe kicks out and rolls into a Coquina Clutch and makes him tap. Austin Aries runs out and hits a missile dropkick, then he taunts Joe but Jeff Hardy runs out and drops Aries with a Twist of Fate before heading outside. Hardy brings a ladder into the ring and stomps Aries, then he climbs it but Sabin pulls him down and Manik runs out and splashes them from the top of the ladder.
Winner - Samoa Joe

Magnus vs Bully Ray
Bully and Magnus tie up and fight for position, with Bully gaining control and hitting a shoulder block before following with a scoop slam. They lock up again and Magnus applies a side headlock, then Bully whips him and Magnus hits a shoulder block, but Bully stays on his feet and clotheslines him. Bully tries to chop him but Magnus hits a few uppercuts in the corner, then he backdrops Bully and clotheslines him before heading up top. Bully crotches him on the ropes and taunts the crowd as we go to a break, then we get back to see Bully whip Magnus into the corner and taunt the crowd. Bully stomps him and goes for an elbow drop but Magnus rolls away, then they trade punches before Magnus clotheslines him. Magnus hits a back suplex and a big boot, then he heads up top and hits an elbow drop for a near fall before setting up a corner clothesline.

Bully avoids it and pulls the ref in the way, then he knocks Magnus down from behind and winds his chain around his fist, preparing to hit Magnus. Sting runs out and tries to prevent it but the ref stops him, not seeing the chain so Bully low blows Magnus behind his back and wins it with a rollup. Sting tries to reason with Magnus but Magnus doesn't want to listen, then Sting asks for a handshake but Magnus pushes his hand away and leaves. Sting tries to catch up with Magnus and wants to know what's going on, but Magnus says the ref didn't see the low blow because Sting was there. Magnus says he got screwed over again and he's tired of it, and all he wants to do is prove to everyone he can do it on his own. Samoa Joe walks over and tells Sting to let him go and he'll calm down, then Sting says they will fight on Sunday and Magnus will be on his own like he wants.
Winner - Bully Ray

Kurt Angle comes out and says it's great to be back, but he wants to cut right to the chase and says Bobby Roode is talented, and reminds him of himself. Kurt says Roode made it personal now, and Kurt says he is going to win because Roode may be very good, but he will never be on his level. Roode comes out and says he's alright with that because he doesn't want to be Kurt, he may have wanted to in the past, but now he is the man around here. Roode says Kurt ruined his night last week, and he says he's more deserving of a Hall of Fame because Kurt hasn't done anything lately. He says he remembers two years ago when Kurt beat him, but he saw the light and woke up, becoming the 'It Factor' and winning the world championship.

Roode says he was the longest reigning and most dominant champion ever, even more than Kurt, and this Sunday he is going to be himself. He says being Roode is good because he is winning this Sunday, but Kurt says he can't win if he is tapping out. Roode says Kurt's wrong because he won't tap, then Roode sucker punches him and taunts the crowd. Roode goes back after him but Kurt sweeps his legs and goes for an ankle lock, but Bad Influence run out and attack Kurt from behind. Roode gets up and tells them he has this, then Roode puts Kurt in the Crossface and makes him tap until he lets go. Roode gets a mic and says he wasn't finished, and he tells Kurt he will make him tap out on Sunday, and leaves the ring.

Dixie Carter makes her way to the ring with security, then Jeremy Borash introduces Bully Ray and AJ Styles to begin the contract signing ceremony. Bully signs right away and says he will make it simple, and he tells AJ he can't beat him because he doesn't have the brains or the passion. Bully recalls a time in history when Dusty Rhodes said Ric Flair put the wrestling world on 'hard times', and he is here to tell AJ that hard times are back. Bully talks about all of the people he has beaten this year, and he takes credit for Hulk Hogan leaving before telling AJ he is next. He says AJ and his fans will be on hard times, and it will be so bad that AJ will go home empty handed and his family won't even be there. Bully says he's Darth Vader, but AJ is no Luke Skywalker, then he throws the mic at AJ, who says they aren't Flair or Rhodes, and they're not living in the past.

AJ says Bully showed how delusional he is by comparing himself to Flair, and AJ says he knows the truth and Bully is a big, dumb bitch. AJ says he has nothing to lose and everything to gain, and he will take everything dear to Dixie and Bully. He says he will make them all pay when he wins the world championship, then he signs the contract and JB hands it to Dixie as Bully tells them to stop. Bully says he won't put the title on the line, but he is going to take the bounty himself and throws the podium into AJ's ribs. He swings at him with his chain but AJ grabs the briefcase and hits him, then AJ dumps the money on the mat and screams at Bully as the show comes to a close.

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