3 November 2013

Nancy Benoit's sister recently interviewed!

Sandra Toffoloni, the sister of Nancy Benoit, revealed in a new interview that Chris Benoit likely would have died within one year of the Benoit Family Tragedy in June 2007 had he not committed suicide. This is based on what Sandra was told about the condition of Chris's heart at the time of Chris's death after murdering his wife, Nancy, and their son, Daniel.

"The medical examiner told us after the autopsy that Chris was on his way to death within ten months," Sandra told Dina M. of The2Count.com in what is believed to be Sandra's first interview about the Benoit Family Tragedy from six years ago.

For the rest of the interview go to:http://pwtorch.com/artman2/publish/WWE_News_3/article_71625.shtml#.UnTYLSdyW4E

Thanks go to pwtorch.com for the information.

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