15 November 2013

The Greatest In Ring Performers Of All Time

This is our fifth (and final category) listing in our Greatest of All Time rankings. The full and final results for our actual Greatest of All Time rankings will be up a little later on tonight.

If you don't yet know what we're doing you can read all about how this thing works over here, and you can check out the four previous listings by clicking here!

This is the list where we asked you to rank our Master List in order of how well you think they performed in the ring. Both technique and the ability to work the crowd should have been considered.

1. Ric Flair  

As with the majority of our listings, it's easy to ask some questions of the final rankings. For example; is Eddie Guerrero really only worthy of a number eighteen finish when Sting is ranking in at number four? How is Hulk Hogan so high on a list that includes the criteria of wrestling technique? Other than at the last few Wrestlemanias, at what point did the Undertaker display any ability to work the crowd?

This IS the final listing for the Greatest In Ring Performers of All Time though, and here's the rankings from two to twenty-five.
2. Randy Savage 
3. Hulk Hogan 
4. Sting 
5. Steve Austin 
6. Bret Hart 
7. The Undertaker 
8. Kurt Angle 
9. Ricky Steamboat 
10. Terry Funk 
11. Curt Hennig 
12. Triple H 
13. Shawn Michaels 
14. The Rock 
15. Chris Jericho 
16. CM Punk 
17. Harley Race 
18. Eddie Guerrero 
19. Rey Mysterio 
20. Bruno Sammartino 
21. Andre The Giant 
22. Mick Foley 
23. Chris Benoit 
24. Daniel Bryan 
25. Edge

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