1 November 2013

WWE: Davey Richards, Kanes Mask, Punk & Bryan vs The Wyatts

 - Ring of Honor stars Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards were on WWE's radar after attending a recent tryout camp, this is common news. Richards has been working in the UK for about a month now and at a Preston City Wrestling show yesterday, he teased going to WWE in a post-match promo.

Richards said there has been a lot of speculation about where he and Edwards will be going next but for legal reasons, he couldn't talk about it. He added that if this tour of the UK was his last tour there, he'd gone out on a high note. He thanked everyone for their support and mentioned that wherever he and Eddie go, there will be fireworks.

Richards never said WWE by name but clearly implied it, according to fans in attendance.

- Another source has confirmed that WWE decided to remove Kane's mask so he can be more identifiable when WWE Studios' begins promoting See No Evil 2 on TV. Kane will be working without the mask going forward.

- While Big Show vs. Randy Orton for the WWE Title is being considered for the Survivor Series pay-per-view, they are also considering a major tag match main event for the show.

The Triple H vs. Big Show match may be saved for December's TLC pay-per-view to help with buys.

- The original script for Monday's RAW reset had Daniel Bryan and CM Punk going at it with The Shield, instead of The Wyatt Family.

WWE officials felt that they needed to pump up The Wyatt Family to get more out of them, and give Bray Wyatt something big because they are high on his character. There's a feeling that WWE went the wrong way with Bray and needed to go back so they put him in a competitive situation with Punk and Bryan to help get him over.

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