3 December 2013

Knee-Jerk Reaction (RAW 12/02/2013)

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I don't know if I've ever been critical of people who bemoan holiday travel or acted as if the stress of traveling during the holiday season is overrated, but I take it all back. I only just made it back home this morning after flying across the country for a special family thanksgiving celebration - and boy are my arms tired... No seriously, I will never be critical of holiday travel again. I'm still tired and I slept almost all day. There's jet-lag and whiplash and I still have to go to work in the morning. I need a good episode of RAW to set me straight.

CM Punk: The best guts in the business. Punk is right. He is the anti-authority figure in the WWE. I think I mentioned it once that I really wanted Punk to join the fight against The Authority because he's not only a rebel, but THE rebel. Personally, if anyone is going to lead a charge against The Authority, it should be him. I, for one, am glad that he's no longer in his own universe against Heyman/Ryback and has joined the top storyline in WWE. It bodes well for his continued main-event status after the WWE/World Title Unification match.  

Ziggler vs Sandow: I'm so glad to see that this isn't a gimmick hardcore match. One could only imagine the type of matches they'd come up with in the midwest. It's just too bad that both of them can't become contenders for the Intercontinental Championship. They both not only deserve it, but need it at this point in their careers. It's especially sad when you consider that they're both the most recent World Championship MITB contract holders. Didn't pan out well for either of 'em, huh? The outlook isn't exactly great for Sandow, figuring that he's going against not only a newly-crowned babyface Champion, but also a BIG man that WWE is currently pushing. But at least he's something to do the next PPV, which is more than he could say for the past few PPVs.  

Bryan vs Rowan: Is that what happened to Kane when they took him too? They offered him a chance to join and Kane said, 'Nah, I'd rather join The Authority.' It's sort of a weak explanation for what happens when The Wyatt Family abducts people. I find it difficult to believe that when you say no, they just allow you to leave until the next Monday night, when you'll have to fight me in the ring. This match went on far longer than it should have given Erick Rowan's limited in-ring ability. Kudos to Daniel Bryan for making it more interesting than it should have been. There had to be a better option for the long match of the night than this one. I was under the impression that Bray Wyatt had already made his sales-pitch to Daniel Bryan when he was kidnapped. But any salesman worth his weight knows that persistence pays off.  

6-Man Tag: Big Show may not have any lingering concussion symptoms from the punt to the head, but he's definitely got some brain damage after giving up a chance at millions of dollars in the lawsuit. How has nobody said anything about that? He should be the laughing stock of the entire company. Since The Shield is being pushed in their big match against CM Punk, I figured they'd win the match and they did. But it was no easy task. Rhodes, Goldust and Big Show put up a pretty good fight. And I liked the finish that came out of nowhere. Just like that Hurricanrana from Goldust. If there's a Slammy Award for 'Best Comeback Superstar,' we all know who should win. He's been nothing short of amazing in this current run.  

Real Americans vs Primetime Players: I LIKE both of these teams so much. It's sad to see them being used in comedy skits, even worse in gross-out comedy skits like on Smackdown. It'd be so much better if these two talented teams were legitimate contenders for the Tag Team Titles. This was actually a solid tag team matchup, aside from the vomit jokes and commentary.

Divas Tag: No idea. If this is somehow going to enhance AJ's character, then I'll take this odd little display. If it leads to a one-on-one Divas Championship match between Natalya and AJ Lee, then I'll take this loss. But everything about this match was off.  

Bad News Barrett: What. The. Fuck? Is this what it's come to now? Are they really this bad at gimmicks? Wade Barrett has a lot of talent and he's a natural heel. If they'd just allow him to be the heel that he knows how to be and stop putting him up against SUPERFACES, he'd succeed without the need of the increasingly more ridiculous gimmicks they keep sticking him with.  

Tons of Funk vs Woods/Truth: I have no interest in this rivalry whatsoever. I guess I should just be glad that R-Truth and Xavier Woods are getting television time. I think this is all being done just to push another BIG man in Brodus Clay instead of the young, talented Xavier Woods. If it means that he's going to turn heel and the ridiculous 'Funkasaurus' gimmick is going to go away, then I'm all for it.  

Sin Cara vs Del Rio: The good news: Sin Cara is back and bulky. The bad news: So is the mood lighting. Nobody LIKES that. Why do that keep doing it? I wonder if they brought Sin Cara back before he was ready and in shape or if they advised him to gain weight. You have to admit that his career in WWE has been injury-plagued much like Rey Mysterio and it could be because of their slim weight. It didn't seem to slow him down, so if it works for him then it's all good. Hey, you can't argue with a win over a former World Champion.  

Axel/Ryback vs Miz/Kingston: Are Curtis Axel & Ryback officially a tag team now? With Ryback's upcoming match against Goldust on Main Event, I have to figure that they're pushing them as a tag team and might even give them a Tag Team Title match at TLC. I LIKE the idea of them as a tag team. But giving them a Tag Title match is a mistake. They've done nothing to deserve it. Both of them have been perennial losers in the past few months. Beating a makeshift/feuding team like Miz & Kingston doesn't erase months of underachievement.  

Fandango vs Henry: Twerk. There, I said it. Now please stop using that word, WWE. You're not hip. You're not a part of pop culture the way you used to be. It's just becoming embarrassing.

Contract Signing: We guarantee it! The only reason they have to reinforce the 'there will be one champion' policy is because no one in WWE had the forethought to realize that people like me would be able to see the gaping plot-hole in this Unification Match. If both titles are hanging above the ring, it'd be just as easy for each of them to leave with one of the titles as it would be for one to leave with both. I am getting tired of them calling this match 'once in a lifetime' and other monikers like that when it doesn't live up to the title. But it's nothing new. WWE acted like Triple H hadn't faced Undertaker before when he had. They acted like The Rock vs Cena was going to be 'once in a lifetime' even though they clearly intended for it to happen twice. WWE doesn't mind lying to their fans, as long as they profit from it.

After the greatest match in history, you want it to be called the Unified Championship" - Jerry Lawler
The match hasn't even happened yet. How can it already be the greatest match in history?

The Six-Man Tag Match between The Shield and Big Show, Cody Rhodes and Goldust was the best and most exciting match of the night. The majority of the excitement came from Goldust who continues to defy his age by putting on some of the best matches of his career.

I read a dirt sheet report earlier today that said WWE was going to focus on building the undercard for TLC tonight. And they did just that. CM Punk vs The Shield. Daniel Bryan vs The Wyatt Family. AJ Lee vs Natalya for the Divas Championship. All matches that I want to see and will be interested in watching.

It was a good move on WWE's part to hearken back to all the matches that Randy Orton and John Cena have had against each other over the years. I had decommitted those matches from memory. Or maybe they were repressed like a victim of sexual abuse. I don't wanna relive 'em. I don't wanna. I'm still not sold that there will be a Unified Champion after TLC, even with The Authority's guarantee that there will be. It's a bad move, in my opinion and I think if they do go through with it, they'll regret it eventually and bring the World Title back within a year. Just like before.

I smell a rat with that RAWactive voting process. The announcers kept using the phrase 'Unified Champion' over and over again throughout the night before the votes were even tabulated on what the champion would be called after TLC. It would seem they either already decided on an answer or they're using not-so-subtle suggestion techniques to sway the votes. I've long suspected that WWE always just does whatever they originally wanted in those polls, unless it's something they don't really care about. But with the Slammy Awards coming up next week, maybe they shouldn't be so careless with their process.

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