7 September 2013

Knee-Jerk Reaction (Smackdown 09/06/2013)

By Derek X
Welcome to the second installment of the KJR on Pro Wrestling Planet!

Lets take a look at this weeks show:


Open Forum: A lot of people aren't enjoying this storyline as much as I am and I can't understand why. I've read some people say that this storyline has too much Triple H. I say that yes, yes it does have too much Triple H... but that's a good thing. Triple H is doing a great job as an evil dictator - maybe not as much as President Asaad, but he's getting there. Having Triple H onscreen is truly best for business. Hell, it's better than too much Cena. The open forum segment tonight wasn't as great as it could have been, but it served it's purpose of once again showing that speaking out against the Administration is punishable by force. I even LIKE that Triple H verbally rebuked Damien Sandow and Heath Slater when they were trying to kiss up to him. It shows that this isn't a Heel vs Face storyline, but Us vs Them. It just so happen that Them is full of heels.

RVD vs Orton: To start, this matchup sorta pisses me off. With this match being so close to a PPV and the fact that Randy Orton is one of Them, there's no way that he is going to lose. They are going to manufacture a way for Orton to beat Rob Van Dam, probably with the assistance of Alberto Del Rio who happens to be at ringside. I have no problem with that. However in the past few weeks, RVD has faced Damien Sandow multiple times and defeated him even with the threat of Del Rio looming. Why couldn't they manufacture a loss for RVD in those matches? After all, if anyone needs a win, it's Sandow. Not Orton. But all of that is just nitpicking about what could have been. This was still a pretty good match for free television. RVD vs Orton is always a contender for MOTN. And honestly, it was made better due to having of Del Rio at ringside. Aside from Dolph Ziggler, I think Ricardo Rodriguez takes the best bumps in the company. And I LIKED seeing the vicious side of Del Rio make an appearance after the match. They should really keep that facet of his personality active at all times. It makes for a much better heel.

Ziggler vs Ryback: I'm glad to see an actual match from these two. I felt cheated out of the match on Monday. One might think this is a match I wouldn't want to see, but the mix of Ryback's power vs Dolph Ziggler's quickness and ability is one that I definitely want to see. I don't mind the non-interference from Dean Ambrose. First, because I really LIKED the confrontation between Ambrose and Micheal Cole at ringside. Cole looked legitimately scared. Ambrose isn't a BIGMAN like Ryback is, so for Cole to be more afraid of him proves just how dominant The Shield is once again. Secondly, because I really want to see an Ambrose vs Ziggler match at Night of Champions. I don't think that match has been announced just yet, so I'll take what I can get until I know for sure that it's happening.

Kingston vs Axel: This really was a reward for Kofi Kingston. If Michael Cole's logic is sound, Kingston should get an Intercontinental Championship match after Night of Champions since he pinned a champion in a non-title match. But this was a pretty good match. The crowd, being Curtis Axel's hometown, was loud and boisterous for him which added to the match. It was the right move having Axel lose because it reiterates the issue facing Paul Heyman; if Curtis Axel loses to CM Punk at Night of Champions, he has no choice but to face CM Punk alone. And honestly, if Axel can't defeat Kingston, he has no chance of defeating Punk. I like the visual of seeing Heyman drop the Intercontinental Title upon realizing this. It could be indicative of Heyman losing faith in Axel. Maybe Heyman will have to get another of his guys to have his back at NOC. But back to this match, it ended up being much better than I thought it'd be. A sleeper MOTN candidate.

Rollins vs Bryan: An exciting match to end the night. I figured it'd be Seth Rollins who faced Daniel Bryan in the main event because they are the best matchup of the three. Ambrose would be a good opponent too, but I doubt they wanted to muddle up the rivalry he's establishing with Ziggler too much. I also figured that since it is Seth Rollins - the supposed weak link of The Shield - that Daniel Bryan would win the match. He's taken enough punishment over the past few weeks and they can't afford to have him look weak going into the WWE Championship match at Night of Champions. Decent match, but very predictable. Randy Orton's attack after the match was predictable too, but only because the cameraman was intentionally not showing the entrance of the stage.


Brie vs Naomi: This match would be a lot worse if it were Nikki Bella vs Cameron, but that's not saying much. I really LIKE Naomi as a wrestler, but even she still has some growing to do. She doesn't deserve to be in a Divas Championship match anymore than Brie Bella does. The match at Night of Champions should be between AJ Lee and Natalya. Nobody else. Thankfully the non-reality divas cut this match short.

Real Americans vs The Usos: I LIKED this match. I really did. But I feel it's all for naught. WWE is doing a good job having all these tag teams jockey for position atop the Tag Team division, but for all the jockeying there hasn't been even one Tag Team Championship match. At least not one that anyone felt that The Shield was in danger of losing. And with where The Shield is now - associated with Triple H's Administration - it's hard to think that they'd lose their titles now. For all the winning the Primetime Players have been doing, they're only afterthoughts now to face The Shield, and only after Mark Henry was injured. Big Show and Mark Henry hasn't had but one match together as a tag team and somehow they were the #1 contenders for the Tag Team Championships. I'm happy Henry got injured just to save us from that match. Now with NOC right around the corner, WWE has no choice but to have an actual deserving team face The Shield. I would rather it be The Real Americans, but I doubt WWE would do a heel vs heel match.

Big Show vs 3MB: Is this Big Show's first willing step over to the dark side? I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be, but no one could give a damn because no one cares about 3MB.


In a surprise win, the match that I would have fast-forwarded through had I not been watching it live - Kofi Kingston vs Curtis Axel wins the Match of the Night.


I don't know if any one person stood out to me tonight. I'm tempted to give it to Big Show just for not blubbering like a fool for one night. Don't get me wrong, I love that he's able to display such emotion, but it's just as nice to not see it as it is to see it.

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