7 September 2013

The WWE Hall of Fame & Randy Savage?

Two interesting tidbits on the WWE Hall of Fame - first up, in a recent interview for PWTorch.com, Lanny Poffo had the following to say regarding his brother Randy Savage being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame:

"I gave them [WWE] permission to do it without my permission. Just don’t invite me and don’t pay me. I don’t need their 30 pieces of silver to defy my brother’s wishes. Kayfabe Commentaries had my best interview regarding the reasons Randy had for this position."

Lannys stance was previously that he wouldn't give his blessing for Randy to go in alone because his brothers wish was that all three Poffos; Randy, Lanny and their father Angelo, should all be inducted together.

In other WWE Hall of Fame news, an Orlando website is reporting that: 

"The NBA City is also expected to shut down to make way for the WWE Hall of Fame and a possible wrestling-themed restaurant."

Check that out for yourself here at :Best of Orlando.com 

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