29 October 2013

Knee-Jerk Reaction (RAW 10/28/2013)

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After rewatching Hell in A Cell today, I realize it wasn't as bad as I thought. There's a reason I call these articles 'Knee-Jerk Reactions' and not 'Well Thought-Out and Logical Responses'. I still don't like that John Cena won the World Title or the finish to the WWE Championship match, but the PPV wasn't all that bad.

The NEW World Heavyweight Champion...: Words cannot express how much it pains me to hear that. Or how much it pains me to type that. I popped HUGE when Damien Sandow's music hit (and the fact that it's remixed is a sign that something is in store for him). I noticed that when Sandow was standing face to face with John Cena, that he's actually bigger than him. That I did not know. Okay, maybe not bigger, but taller. I got so excited when Sandow attacked Cena and cashed in the MITB contract that I knocked over my laptop and probably damaged it. It'd be worth it if Sandow wins. Black Friday is in a month anyhow. I just knew that at some point the announcers would bring up how Cena lost his MITB cash-in attempt because he gave fair notice to the champion. He still lost the match and it still counts. This was a very good match and props to Cena for selling his arm injury far better than he did last night. I don't understand why they wouldn't have this match last night at the PPV. I would have made the night so much better than it was. I'm not taking anything away from the match itself, it was awesome. Of course I'm not thrilled that Sandow lost a match where his opponent was hobbled, but what did I expect? Sandow has been doing nothing but losing since he won that MITB contract. It's not like he was going to suddenly win when it counted most.  

Ambrose vs Langston/Six-Man Tag Match: I LIKE this rematch. I actually LIKED the match they had last night. It wasn't perfect, but I gave them some leeway because they most likely hadn't worked together before then. For a match on the fly, it was pretty damn physical. Neither superstar was taking it easy or playing it safe. I'd have much rather continued the US Title match than the six-man tag, but I'll never say no to a tag match from The Shield because they never disappoint. For the record, Michael Cole, what dean Ambrose said was 'this is the only title that The Shield has left.' If anything, it seemed like he was defending that title for all the members of The Shield and not saying that he was the only champion left. Doesn't matter, because this is WWE and all teams & stables are meant to implode at some point. Considering how strong the tag team division is with The Shield in it, I would hope that wasn't the first sign of an eventual separation.  

HBK/Bryan: It's a little odd that Daniel Bryan is sooo upset at HBK for superkicking him during his WWE Championship match, yet he's still buddy-buddy with Big Show after he KO'ed him in the WWE Championship match from Battleground. Yes, Orton didn't win the match but it still cost him the title. I figured HBK's explanation would be that he was defending his BFF Triple H. I didn't expect THAT to happen, though. Damn, that was great. I said in the preview for Hell in A Cell that I wasn't expecting HBK to turn heel. I was wrong. I also said a storyline of teacher vs student could be compelling. It seems they might be going down that road. I LIKE it so far.  

Punk vs Ryback: Isn't a Falls Count Anywhere and Street Fight the exact same match? Well except in a Street Fight, the match has to end in the ring. And tables can be used in either match, so whomever voted for a Tables match is an idiot. That was a fairly quick match and it did Ryback no favors. He looks weaker now than he ever has. But it works well for Punk who looks exceptionally strong. I question why the Wyatt Family is also targeting CM Punk along with Daniel Bryan, but I do not give a damn. If this is WWE's way of bringing Bray Wyatt into the upper tier of the roster, I'm more than okay with it.  

Real Americans vs Rhodes/Goldust: When the Real Americans were being introduced, I thought for sure their opponents would be Santino Marella and The Great Khali or Tons of Funk or some other comedy duo. When the horrid mashup of Goldust & Cody Rhodes' music hit, I had never been happier to hear it. I said in the HIAC KJR last night that I was ready for The Real Americans to enter the real tag team division and eventually compete for the Tag Team Titles and this is the first step. Of course I'm LIKING this. That was a hell of a tag team match and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that the Real Americans won. In WWE logic, this means they have a Tag Team Title shot. Of course, it might not come right away and they may have to share it with another team, but they have a title shot nonetheless. I couldn't have asked for more.  

The Randy Orton Celebration: Are they celebrating Randy Orton or his championship victory? Because they aren't calling this the 'Randy Orton Championship Celebration'. Maybe they are just celebrating Randy Orton. I think we all saw Big Show coming from a mile away. I don't see why The Authority doesn't see it. The crowd loves them some Big Show right now and so do I. I'm sure that by the time Survivor Series rolls around, Big Show will be back on the payroll and facing Randy Orton for the WWE Championship.


AJ & Tamina vs Bella Twins: Isn't that torture by the video department to make the already worried Brie Bella watch the replay of her fiance getting beatdown? And what kind of sister makes her compete first in the tag match? I don't pay much attention to Divas Tag matches. I generally use this time to check in on Monday Night Football. Thankfully, AJ Lee won and hopefully this is the end of her rivalry with the Bella Twins.  

The Miz vs Kane: Odd how The Miz wasn't cleared to wrestle last night, but he's just fine for tonight. I know they were just doing it last night to protect Bray Wyatt, who actually can't wrestle in a match right now but all of that realism has been thrown out of the window now that Miz is wrestling tonight. At least it was a short match. Poor Miz can't catch a break anywhere. It's time that WWE cuts bait with him because he has no one backing him anymore. I wasn't even sure if Kane was turning heel by chokeslamming Miz last night or if he was turning face. Obviously, he's turning heel by aligning himself with Stephanie McMahon. I loved the half-disgusted/half-proud look on her face as she was holding up Kane's mask... and fake hair.

Summer Rae vs Natalya: What happened to the one divas match per show unwritten rule? Again, I'm disappointed in myself for being impressed with Summer Rae's fortitude in the ring. Of course it helps that she's in the ring with Natalya, who could probably make any diva look efficient in the ring.

"The Devil made me do it." - Bray Wyatt
I wonder who this devil is that is making Bray Wyatt and his goons take out Daniel Bryan and CM Punk? At first I thought it could be Kane, but after he submitted himself to Stephanie McMahon, I realized he's in no position of power. It could be Triple H, but if so, I think he'd have had them on stand by in case of Big Show's interference. Maybe it's Vince McMahon, but I think if he does come back it's going to be to stop the Authority. I don't know who this devil is that's controlling the Wyatt Family, but I give that devil kudos.

MATCH OF THE NIGHT: I'm not happy with the result, but there's no question that the best match of the night was the World Heavyweight Championship that kicked off the show. Damien Sandow wrestled what was probably the best match of his career and definitely the best in the past few months. But that wasn't even the most surprising part. No, it was that John Cena actually sold an injury.

BEST IN SHOW: When you take out two of the top babyfaces in the company in one night, you win this award. Bray Wyatt put his mark on the WWE main event tonight and hopefully it leads to him remaining there where he belongs.

Change is afoot in WWE. It seems that they are moving on from the rivalries that carried them through the past few months. Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan is over. Now Orton has moved on to Big Show. And Daniel Bryan has moved on to either Bray Wyatt or Shawn Michaels. CM Punk vs Paul Heyman is over and Punk is seemingly also mixed up in whatever Bray Wyatt ordeal is shaping up. John Cena vs Alberto Del Rio is continuing from Hell in A Cell, but that's still a fairly new rivalry - at least this go around. It even seems like AJ Lee has freed herself from the Bella Twins, although I have no idea who her next opponent could be. She has no competition.

I'm glad that the changes are starting to happen. It was sorely needed. The rivalries had become stale and people were becoming disinterested. I'm a little miffed that after all the things that were done to him, Daniel Bryan only got to hold the WWE Championship once for 5 minutes and once for 24 hours. He deserves more than that and you can't guarantee that he'll get back to that status again. He totally got shafted. As much as I want to see Daniel Bryan vs Shawn Michaels, I want to see him have an elongated championship run even more.

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