28 October 2013

On this Day in Pro Wrestling History

1989 - The first WCW Halloween Havoc Pay-per-view was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the Civic Center. Here are the results:
- Tom Zenk defeated Mike Rotunda by rolling through a cross bodyblock into a pin.
- The Samoan Swat Team (Samu, Fatu & Samoan Savage) defeated The Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane) & Steve Williams when Savage pinned Lane after knocking him into manager Jim Cornette during a brawl with everyone fighting at once.
- Tommy Rich defeated The Cuban Assassin with a Thesz Press.
- NWA World Tag Team Champions The Freebirds (Jimmy Garvin & Michael Hayes) defeated The Dynamic Dudes (Shane Douglas & Johnny Ace) when Garvin pinned Douglas. The Dudes were going for a double suplex when Hayes hooked Ace's leg from the outside, and Garvin fell on top of Douglas for the pin. Interesting to note that the Philadelphia crowd loudly supported the heel Freebirds, and booed the babyface Dudes.
- Doom (Butch Reed & Ron Simmons, under masks) defeated Rick & Scott Steiner when Reed pinned Rick after headbutting him with a foreign object in his mask.
- NWA United States Champion Lex Luger defeated Brian Pillman when he caught a flying bodypress and dropped Pillman across the ropes (Hot Shot/Stun Gun) for the pin.
- The Road Warriors defeated The Skyscrapers (Sid Vicious & Dan Spivey) via disqualification when manager Teddy Long interfered.
- Ric Flair & Sting (seconded by Ole Anderson) defeated The Great Muta & Terry Funk (seconded by Gary Hart) in a Thunderdome cage match. The Thunderdome was a cage that covered the ringside area as well as the ring, and had "electrified" fencing at the top to prevent people from leaving. The cage was decorated with "spooky" items, including a rope, which Sting swung around on. Part of the cage actually caught on fire when it was being lowered on the ring, as a fabric decoration brushed against the ring lights (referee Tommy Young patted it out with his bare hands, burning himself). Bruno Sammartino was the guest referee, but the rules stipulated that the match would only end when one of the seconds tossed in the towel. The match ended when Anderson punched Hart, and Hart's towel flew into the ring, ending the bout.

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