15 October 2013

OSW Review: Wrestlemania One!

From now on, at 9pm GMT, Tuesday nights, Pro Wrestling Planet is going back in time with OSW Review - right from the very start!

This is the debut episode - Filmed in GLORIOUS GrappleVision and featuring such luminaries as Cyndi Lauper, The Executioner, The A-Team, and Gremlins! Not to mention Hulk Hogan, Rowdy Roddy Piper and more! 

The OSW crew are a group of longtime mates from Ireland that have been watching wrestling for over 20 years. How does this show set them apart? It's AWESOME!! Hopefully you'll have as much fun watching it as they've obviously had making it! 

If you like what you see (and you almost certainly will!) then head on over to their Facebook Page and give them a like by Clicking Here!

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