17 November 2013

Hulk Hogan: Your Thoughts

For the very first edition of Topic of the Week we asked you to give your thoughts on Hulk Hogan, his involvement with TNA and his possible appearance at Wrestlemania.

Here's a selection of your responses:

Shane Jones of The Wrestling Newsgroup posted: 
He doesn't need to wrestle but I think he should be in someway associated with wrestlemania 30 even if it's just a run (limp) out to save a face

Fellow PWP Staffer and owner of The Wrestling Newsgroup;  David Damage wrote: 

"Hulkamania and WrestleMania go hand in hand, brother. 
Think about it - WrestleMania isn't very good anymore, they have their little celebrity matches, they have their 3 minute diva intermission, they have their comedy matches - it's all disposable stuff that doesn't mean anything and then they have the Undertaker match which is the main draw and by far the best thing on the show each year in recent times. Therefore, Hogan at Mania - either in a match or in a serious segment (Not dancing with Fandango or trading catchphrases with John Cena backstage), I really feel it will be one of the highlights and most memorable things about WrestleMania next year by forfeit. Everything else is so bad."

Knucks said: 
"Do I give a crap about Hogan . . . Not really. Would I like to see him back in WWE for WM? It wouldn't really matter either way. I think it would be nice for the nostalgic kick and to see him in the red and yellow and get all of us old guys to mark out a bit. It's cool see the people who was made by WWE come home (looking at you in a few years Angle.) and if just for WM. I damn sure not rolling out the wheelbarrow full of cash to get him there as I don't think he is relevant with WWE's target demographic to think that he will bring in any added revenue. The best possible scenario would be as the WM host gig The Rock had when he first returned. There was probably 3-4 instances in the last 7 years where a one time return would be or had been acceptable. If he wasn't with TNA he would have been perfect for the Raw 1000 Legends storyline with Heath Slater. The scratched match he was going to have with Cena before he withdrew because of his body being broken. Lastly being someone who inducts someone into the Hall of Fame along with occasional non-wrestling ppv appearances to build storylines for others.

As for TNA I think getting his large payroll off the books is the greatest thing that happen to them and they should be glad the he "quit" (what a self serving bastard). I think the shock value wore off after the first few Impacts after his arrival."

Mr Hyde gave his thoughts in very succinct fashion:
"Fuck him. He's outlived his purpose. Send him to the pasture."

Which I would quite happily have ended this piece on if not for the fact that Wood had this to say in response:
"What he said. he was arguably the biggest name in wwe and if you heard real american you marked out. then he just wouldn't go away. i can't see any position in wwe i could be ok with him doing that i wouldn't want to see him break his hip and never come back"

And also that Jaykhunter responded with this:
"+1. Selfish prick that can't walk and extorts as much money & creative control as he can possibly get. He shows he doesn't give a shit about anyone else, just a few weeks ago he booked Dixie to get on her knees and scootch, pleading for him not to leave on camera. Thank God WWE aren't that desperate. This asshole shows up, it's half a million dollars for a few minutes work. Dude's kept himself relevant by successfully keeping others down. He's been just a drain on wrestling for many years. Fuck him, his talentless daughter and manslaughter son."

All of that said, we'll this debut edition of Question of the Week on a positive note. THk4414 had this to say:
"Hogan will always be my favorite. Though I couldn't tell you anything about his TNA time. Hogan was apart of two of the biggest eras of what made wrestling mainstream popular, at their respective times, with Hulkamania and the NWO.
Would it be good for WWE to use Hogan , sure, but how? Well, why not try and recreate the popularity of the managers and their stables? Couldn't you see Hogan becoming to wrestling these days what Heenan was for wrestling in the 80's as a manager? He is too old to be seen as an in ring performer, but those one offs, heck yes. I don't have any idea the real stories about what goes on behind closed doors in their business dealings, but he just seems like he belongs in the WWE in some kind of smaller talent role."

As you can see, there are a lot of opinions being bandied about relating to Hulk Hogan right now, if you have anything more to add you can do so HERE. Right now I'd like to thank everybody that put their thoughts forwards on this weeks topic and ask YOU to come back here at 10pm GMT tomorrow for our next  edition of Topic Of The Week!

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