25 November 2013

Survivor Series: Your Thoughts

Last weeks topic of the week was about WWEs' former "Thanksgivings Day Tradition" and now pretty much thrown together PPV, The Survivor Series. We're going to take the lack of people responding as an indication of how the buy-rate for this years show will probably turn out.

The questions we asked were:

"This coming Sunday sees the 27th edition of WWE's annual Survivor Series pay-per-view and, as you've probably guessed from the title, the Survivor Series will be this weeks Topic of the Week.

After starting off as a show entirely built with elimination tag-team matches, Survivor Series has, over the years, lost it's personality. This year we'll be lucky to see one traditional Survivor Series match on the card even though they teased us with a six on six match at the end of last weeks Raw.

So, what are your thoughts on Survivor Series as a show?

Will you be buying this years event? If not then why not? If you are then what's drawing you to spend your money on the show?

Would Survivor Series be better off if they went back to having the whole card full of traditional Survivor Series tag-matches, or has the lustre of having teams comprised of Superstars that might not normally be associated with each other worn off?

Does WWE just not have enough star power to fill a Survivor Series card anymore?"

What You Said:
Jaykhunter of OSWreview.com
So, what are your thoughts on Survivor Series as a show?
I'm a big fan of well-booked elimination matches but not thrown together garbage!

Will you be buying this years event? If not then why not? If you are then what's drawing you to spend your money on the show?
No, because the card is extremely weak. I refused to pay for Cena/Del Rio in 2011 and won't do so years later. If they did the 12-man elim matchup they teased on RAW then I'd consider going to the pub to watch it. As is, it's a desperate card. Orton/Big Show sucks a bag of dicks.

Would Survivor Series be better off if they went back to having the whole card full of traditional Survivor Series tag-matches, or has the lustre of having teams comprised of Superstars that might not normally be associated with each other worn off?
Not the whole card, WWE don't have the booking prowess or follow-through to handle more than 2. 2 is perfect for modern Series. I don't like when jobbers comprise of most of the team, like Bulldog and the Mean Street Posse. Who wants to see that?! On a side note, if the tag division was actually something, it'd be great to see tag teams school singles wrestlers. I hate seeing singles beat tag wrestlers, that's their speciality!

Does WWE just not have enough star power to fill a Survivor Series card anymore?
They do, but they're just very lazy and demand treating the "down period" as a down period. There's no reason they couldn't have a tip-top card if they booked it right. It's like they book shit so Mania feels so much better in comparison. Instead of having a great product throughout the year.

Knucks From The Forum
So, what are your thoughts on Survivor Series as a show?
It just not doing it for me.

Will you be buying this years event? If not then why not? If you are then what's drawing you to spend your money on the show?Not a chance in Hell. We will have probably have a unannounced traditional SS match with curtain jerkers and jobber or it will added to the pre-show, what a slap in the face to the prestige that SS once had.

Would Survivor Series be better off if they went back to having the whole card full of traditional Survivor Series tag-matches, or has the lustre of having teams comprised of Superstars that might not normally be associated with each other worn off?
I don't think the whole card should be I think I would go one higher that Jay and say 3.

Does WWE just not have enough star power to fill a Survivor Series card anymore?
I think they have plenty of star power but their vision of a star is different than mine. I think with the WWE machine most of them can be stars if booked right and I think for anyone to make it to WWE which is imo the big leagues then you must have some talent. When guys get hot with the crowd they don't run with it. Rhodes was hot when he had the mask having decent matches and being good on the mic and they did nothing with it. Sandow could have been elevated sooner and we all know that Dolph had potential to be a decent main event heel before the air went out of him and he is lost fumbling around as a face.

Thk4414    "I feel like the WWF used to intertwine the storylines to justify this unique elimination tag team competition and actually take the time to build at least the main event Survivor Series matches over at least a month or two. It was cool to see this many years ago, but the WWE just doesn't seem to be able to stick with a plan for whatever reason.
I wouldn't mind them introducing a War Games match or two to this event along with the traditional Survivor Series matches."

Pro Wrestling Roundup On Facebook: We would honestly be more drawn in if this graphic was used! Such a great vibe from the classic Survivor Series days!

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