11 December 2013

Appologies For Lack Of Posting

To those of you that visit us every day I'd like to take the time to apologize about our much decreased posting rate recently.

For those interested, we've had a bit of an electrical problem here at PWP Towers. Specifically rats chewing through electrical cables and forcing us to shut down a large portion of the house.

Obviously, with a small child in the home getting these problems repaired was THE priority over updating a website.

See that hole? That shouldn't be there...
That said, a very nice repair team from Dutton and Phillips Electrical & Plumbing  (they've have a new partner since placing the add, hence the name change) now come highly recommended for any of you with electrical problems in the Ellesemere Port Area.

I'd like to thank my partners in crime, David Damage and Anklelock Andrew have done a sterling job keeping the engine room running while I've been away from PWP.

I'll leave you with this lovely picture of just one part of one damaged cable that could well have burned our home down AND with the news that we will be getting back to normal posting schedule as of now.

Thanks for reading.

- Dave.


  1. Anytime Dave. We are the best faction ever......EVER... created.. The TWF Dynasty! Can you dig it.... Oh yeah!!!

  2. Wow, Dave - so pleased this was found in time before it started a fire!! Crazy!! Pleased you're back up and running again :)
