22 January 2014

AJ Styles Answers Whether He Had Talks With WWE

AJ Styles recently spoke about his final year with TNA and more. Here are the highlights…

On What Went Wrong In His Match With Roderick Strong: As far as I know, he's okay, he's fine. He didn't seem real badly hurt at the time after the show. I think he's okay, but I haven't heard anything. I can tell you this - the same way that I've been giving it for thirteen years is the same way that I had done it on Saturday. Everything was great on my part; there was no slip, there was no accident by me. There was nothing that I did that went wrong. If it sounds like I'm putting all the blame on Roddy, it's because I am. He would probably tell you the same thing. It's probably one of the safer moves in wrestling to take. I don't know if Roddy freaked out, I don't know exactly what happened. It's not a reckless move. Sometimes people do crazy things that you don't expect, and that was one of them. There's one way you don't want to tilt your head, and that's forward. You can tilt it any other way you want, except forward. Any time you take a face bump, you know not to tilt your face forward.

On His Lone Wolf Angle In TNA: I don't think they really knew what gimmick I was going towards when they did the "lone wolf" thing. They asked me about it, and I said I had no problem being at home, but I really don't think they knew where they wanted it to go. We talked about the Sting lone wolf thing that he did, and something similar to that. I didn't have a problem with it. You always want to do something different. I wanted to come out with a bit of a different look. It worked for me, I had no problem doing it. As far as I know, until things got changed up a little bit, they wanted me to be the one to take out Aces & Eights, or have a group to help take them out, or something like that. I'm not positive on that, but I think that's kind of where they were going.

Did He Have Talks With WWE?: I know that's some wishful thinking, but no, there was nothing. Not a phone call. Nothing. I wish I knew who these guys were that were presenting these rumors and whatnot, just so I could say, "Exactly tell me when they did call me, I'd like to know." It's just so bizarre, all the stuff that you hear.

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