17 January 2014

Eddie Edwards & Davey Richards TNA Debut, Genesis Results

Last night on TNAs Impact Genesis Special, Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards made their debuts in the above backstage segment with Dixie Carter. Both men are now listed on the TNA website Roster page

Irrelevant of the storyline they were presenting this segment was massively significant. TNA have signed not only two of the top, most recognizable independent talents in the world, but also immediately placed them into what will presumably become the top storyline as Dixie and this new investor go to war. They have also done what many people have been crying out for them to do for a long time and that's take the wheat of the independent crop instead of the chaff from WWE.

For all of those people crying over the departure of AJ Styles, TNA have just replaced him with two just as talented and, more importantly, fresher faces that are more than capable of filling the void that Styles has left behind. Richards and Edwards are a throwback to what the X-Division used to be but with the momentum behind them to take that style into the main-event picture. TNA could be about to embark on their best period since the Joe/Styles/Daniels main event feud of 2009.

Perhaps their financial situation is going to be a blessing in disguise?

Here are the results from last nights show which, as we found out, was only the first half of the Genesis special (next weeks matches are listed below):

-Samoa Joe, O.D.B, James Storm, Gunner, Joseph Park and Eric Young defeated Christopher Daniels, Kazarian, Lei'd Tapa, Zema Ion and The Bro-Mans 

- No disqualification Match: Bully Ray defeated Ken Anderson 

- Madison Rayne defeated Gail Kim to win the TNA Knockouts Championship
- EC3 defeated Sting

Matches set for the Jan 23 show:

-Kurt Angle vs Bobby Roode in a steel cage match

-Austin Aries vs Chris Sabin for the X-Division Championship

-Samoa Joe vs Rockstar Spud

-Gunner vs James Storm for Gunners WHC contract briefcase

-Magnus vs Sting for both Magnus WHC and Stings TNA contract

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