15 September 2013

KJR's Night of Champions Preview


This is a preview of the matches on the PPV card, my thoughts on the matches themselves as well as my predictions as to who should and will win.

 photo NOCDivasFourWay_zpse971a0f2.jpg
THOUGHTS ON THE MATCH: I could bemoan about how this match should be a singles contest between AJ Lee and Natalya, but beggars can't be choosers. I should just be happy that Natalya is in a match for the Divas Championship, even if it is peppered with other non-deserving diva contenders. I think that one day Naomi will be ready for a Divas Championship match, but that day is not today. She's athletic and she moves her very voluptuous body with relative ease. She's probably the only diva on the WWE roster not named AJ Lee, Layla or Natalya that I'd be okay with as Divas Champion. But don't get me started on skinny Brie Bella. On the plus side, I think her relationship with Daniel Bryan as portrayed on Total Divas is really legitimate. It's the best and most honest part of the show, especially compared to the John Cena/Nikki Bella relationship which seems superficial and fake. But that's not what I'm previewing.
WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN: I should change the title of this segment to what shouldn't happen and the answer would be this match. Forget what a just said in the above stanza, I'm chooser goddammit and I don't want this match to happen. It pains me that a two-bit reality TV show is what passes as title contention these days. I can't wait for that show to get cancelled and for Paige to get called up.
WHAT WILL HAPPEN: The best part of the Fatal Fourway rule is that it pretty much guarantees that AJ Lee will retain the Divas Championship. I figure that when AJ does lose the Divas Title, it will be to Natalya and you'd get no argument from me, but WWE isn't ready for her to lose that title just yet and neither am I. So the other, lesser divas are in the match are there so that AJ can pick up the victory without pinning Natalya or making her submit. Good move.

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THOUGHTS ON THE MATCH: As I said in the RAW KJR, I like matches like this where multiple tag teams are involved. I'm glad WWE thought of this concept for Night of Champions. It'd been better if they thought of this four weeks ago and actually made this for the Tag Team Championships instead of having the winner of this match face The Shield later in a match they most likely won't win.
WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN: Even though the above will hold true, it'll be good for whichever tag team that wins to get the exposure facing The Shield at a PPV for the Tag Team Championships.
WHAT WILL HAPPEN: But just who will that Tag Team be? Maybe the one who looks superjacked in the photo. Seriously, Darren Young's upper body looks bigger than all of 3MB combined. WWE is going to continue the Primetime Players' meteoric rise by having them win the Tag Team Turmoil match.
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THOUGHTS ON THE MATCH: Not sure why I should give any thought to the match, seeing as WWE hasn't up until now. It's not like this PPV is called Night of Champions and the Tag Team Championships are championships.
WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN: If it's not the Primetime Players facing The Shield, it'll be The Usos because you know... babyfaces. We know what The Usos and The Shield can do at a PPV preshow, perhaps we'll get to see them do it again during an actual PPV.
WHAT WILL HAPPEN: But I'm still pretty certain that it will be the Primetime Players competing in this match and even more certain that The Shield will retain the Tag Team Championships.
 photo NOCUSAmbroseZiggler_zps37f66565.jpg
THOUGHTS ON THE MATCH: As of this writing (on Thursday night) this match has yet to be made official. There's no graphic of the match on WWE.com and no announcement made otherwise. But this match has to happen because it's probably the one I'm looking forward to the most. WWE is making me wait and beg for it. I have no problem doing that. Please, give me this match. I really want to see this match.
WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN: The reason why I want to see this match so bad is because Dean Ambrose and Dolph Ziggler are a good matchup. Ambrose is more technical than Ziggler, but Ziggler is more athletic. And for Ambrose's recent statement about wanting to be one the biggest villians in WWE, nobody can make him look stronger than Ziggler.
WHAT WILL HAPPEN: Regardless of whether the other members of The Shield interfere or not, Dean Ambrose should retain the United States Championship - but I'd really prefer it if they didn't I want to see Ambrose defeat a solid superstar and former World Champion like Ziggler on his own.

 photo NOCPunkAxelHeyman_zps8ef3f2a7.jpg
THOUGHTS ON THE MATCH: Believe it or not, this is the match I want to see the least on this PPV. I haven't been this disinterested in a CM Punk match since his purported (and thankfully later changed) match with Kevin Nash. I think Curtis Axel is a great talent, but he's not in Punk's league. Plus, he's being booked to lose to Kofi Kingston. There's no way he's going to defeat Punk unless a major swerve happens, which I don't think will. This match is setup for Punk to win.
WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN: I fear for the end of this match. I don't to never see Paul Heyman again. I don't even want him to go on a small sabbatical. I've lived through a Heyman-less WWE and it's a bleak, desolate place where talented and undersized wrestlers go to die. WWE needs Paul Heyman, but I think Paul Heyman needs to go... for now.
WHAT WILL HAPPEN: I don't expect for this storyline to end just because Punk wins and gets his hands on Paul Heyman. Heyman might leave for a while, but he will return with another Heyman guy - maybe Brock, maybe not - ready to seek his revenge on CM Punk.

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THOUGHTS ON THE MATCH: I'm not exactly looking forward to this match either, but I'm not going to dismiss it either. WWE's booking of Alberto Del Rio in between PPVs turn me off of him. But then when he wrestles in his PPV Championship matches, he wins me back everytime. Del Rio is a wrestling machine or whatever the word machine is in spanish. We all know what RVD is and he's not to be overlooked either. I'm still not sure why WWE put Ricardo Rodriguez with him. RVD was already popular. The last thing he needs is a hype man. In my opinion, saddiling Ricardo with RVD has had an adverse effect on RVD's popularity.
WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN: I'd be a little peeved if Del Rio has to drop the title at the PPV to RVD, considering how poorly this rivalry has been booked from the beginning. Thankfully, I don't see that happening.
WHAT WILL HAPPEN: I forsee Alberto Del Rio retaining the World Heavyweight Championship after Ricardo Rodriguez turns on RVD and proves to be on Del Rio's side after all. Either that or Los Matadores interfere.

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THOUGHTS ON THE MATCH: Of course this is the match I'm paying to see. No question. This is what's best for business. As most everyone knows, I have bought in completely to the storyline of Triple H's Administration enforcing their authority over everyone in WWE. I think with the loss of three SUPERFACES, the best thing to do is to create a MEGAHEEL for the middling-to-top babyfaces to try to topple. The more power the MEGAHEEL assumes, the more the audience will root for their defeat. And anyone associated with the rebellion will gain some popularity. It honestly is just good business. Not to mention that we finally have a heel Randy Orton again. That was a very long time coming.
WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN: I hold to the fact that it is too early for the evil empire to fall. It's only been the span of one PPV. They need time to reign before they are toppled. Because of that, it stands to reason that Triple H continues to get his way through various, nefarious schemes.
WHAT WILL HAPPEN: One of those schemes, I believe, is to finally tempt Big Show over to the dark side. Doing so would add even more power and authority to the empire and make it that much more of a task for the hero to accomplish. But for now, on his road to victory, the hero has to suffer a hard defeat. Randy Orton has to retain the WWE Championship in the first meeting between the antagonist and protagonist. The villain has to win the battle, so that the hero can win the war.

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